HEADER Section

The HEADER section of the DXF file contains settings of variables associated with the drawing. The following list shows the header variables and their meanings.

set/get header variables:

#set value
drawing.header['$ANGBASE'] = 30
drawing.header['$EXTMIN'] = (0, 0, 0)
drawing.header['$EXTMAX'] = (100, 100, 0)

#get value
version = drawing.header['$ACADVER'].value

# for 2D/3D points use:
minx, miny, minz = drawing.header['$EXTMIN'].tuple
maxx, maxy, maxz = drawing.header['$EXTMAX'].tuple
Variable Type Description
$ACADVER string The AutoCAD drawing database version number; AC1006 = R10, AC1009 = R11 and R12
$ANGBASE float Angle 0 direction
$ANGDIR int 1 = clockwise angles, 0 = counterclockwise
$ATTDIA int Attribute entry dialogs, 1 = on, 0 = off
$ATTMODE int Attribute visibility: 0 = none, 1 = normal, 2 = all
$ATTREQ int Attribute prompting during INSERT, 1 = on, 0 = off
$AUNITS int Units format for angles
$AUPREC int Units precision for angles
$AXISMODE int Axis on if nonzero (not functional in Release 12)
$AXISUNIT 2DPoint Axis X and Y tick spacing (not functional in Release 12)
$BLIPMODE int Blip mode on if nonzero
$CECOLOR int Entity color number; 0 = BYBLOCK, 256 = BYLAYER
$CELTYPE string Entity linetype name, or BYBLOCK or BYLAYER
$CHAMFERA float First chamfer distance
$CHAMFERB float Second chamfer distance
$CLAYER string Current layer name
$COORDS int 0 = static coordinate display, 1 = continuous update, 2 = “d<a” format
$DIMALT int Alternate unit dimensioning performed if nonzero
$DIMALTD int Alternate unit decimal places
$DIMALTF float Alternate unit scale factor
$DIMAPOST string Alternate dimensioning suffix
$DIMASO int 1 = create associative dimensioning, 0 = draw individual entities
$DIMASZ float Dimensioning arrow size
$DIMBLK string Arrow block name
$DIMBLK1 string First arrow block name
$DIMBLK2 string Second arrow block name
$DIMCEN float Size of center mark/lines
$DIMCLRD int Dimension line color, range is 0 = BYBLOCK, 256 = BYLAYER
$DIMCLRE int Dimension extension line color, range is 0 = BYBLOCK, 256 = BYLAYER
$DIMCLRT int Dimension text color, range is 0 = BYBLOCK, 256 = BYLAYER
$DIMDLE float Dimension line extension
$DIMDLI float Dimension line increment
$DIMEXE float Extension line extension
$DIMEXO float Extension line offset
$DIMGAP float Dimension line gap
$DIMLFAC float Linear measurements scale factor
$DIMLIM int Dimension limits generated if nonzero
$DIMPOST string General dimensioning suffix
$DIMRND float Rounding value for dimension distances
$DIMSAH int Use separate arrow blocks if nonzero
$DIMSCALE float Overall dimensioning scale factor
$DIMSE1 int First extension line suppressed if nonzero
$DIMSE2 int Second extension line suppressed if nonzero
$DIMSHO int 1 = Recompute dimensions while dragging, 0 = drag original image
$DIMSOXD int Suppress outside-extensions dimension lines if nonzero
$DIMSTYLE string Dimension style name
$DIMTAD int Text above dimension line if nonzero
$DIMTFAC float Dimension tolerance display scale factor
$DIMTIH int Text inside horizontal if nonzero
$DIMTIX int Force text inside extensions if nonzero
$DIMTM float Minus tolerance
$DIMTOFL int If text outside extensions, force line extensions between extensions if nonzero
$DIMTOH int Text outside horizontal if nonzero
$DIMTOL int Dimension tolerances generated if nonzero
$DIMTP float Plus tolerance
$DIMTSZ float Dimensioning tick size: 0 = no ticks
$DIMTVP float Text vertical position
$DIMTXT float Dimensioning text height
$DIMZIN int Zero suppression for “feet & inch” dimensions
$DWGCODEPAGE int Drawing code page. Set to the system code page when a new drawing is created, but not otherwise maintained by AutoCAD
$DRAGMODE int 0 = off, 1 = on, 2 = auto
$ELEVATION float Current elevation set by ELEV command
$EXTMAX 3DPoint X, Y, and Z drawing extents upper-right corner (in WCS)
$EXTMIN 3DPoint X, Y, and Z drawing extents lower-left corner (in WCS)
$FILLETRAD float Fillet radius
$FILLMODE int Fill mode on if nonzero
$HANDLING int Handles enabled if nonzero
$HANDSEED string Next available handle
$INSBASE 3DPoint Insertion base set by BASE command (in WCS)
$LIMCHECK int Nonzero if limits checking is on
$LIMMAX 2DPoint XY drawing limits upper-right corner (in WCS)
$LIMMIN 2DPoint XY drawing limits lower-left corner (in WCS)
$LTSCALE float Global linetype scale
$LUNITS int Units format for coordinates and distances
$LUPREC int Units precision for coordinates and distances
$MAXACTVP int Sets maximum number of viewports to be regenerated
$MENU string Name of menu file
$MIRRTEXT int Mirror text if nonzero
$ORTHOMODE int Ortho mode on if nonzero
$OSMODE int Running object snap modes
$PDMODE int Point display mode
$PDSIZE float Point display size
$PELEVATION float Current paper space elevation
$PEXTMAX 3DPoint Maximum X, Y, and Z extents for paper space
$PEXTMIN 3DPoint Minimum X, Y, and Z extents for paper space
$PLIMCHECK int Limits checking in paper space when nonzero
$PLIMMAX 2DPoint Maximum X and Y limits in paper space
$PLIMMIN 2DPoint Minimum X and Y limits in paper space
$PLINEGEN int Governs the generation of linetype patterns around the vertices of a 2D Polyline 1 = linetype is generated in a continuous pattern around vertices of the Polyline 0 = each segment of the Polyline starts and ends with a dash
$PLINEWID float Default Polyline width
$PSLTSCALE int Controls paper space linetype scaling 1 = no special linetype scaling 0 = viewport scaling governs linetype scaling
$PUCSNAME string Current paper space UCS name
$PUCSORG 3DPoint Current paper space UCS origin
$PUCSXDIR 3DPoint Current paper space UCS X axis
$PUCSYDIR 3DPoint Current paper space UCS Y axis
$QTEXTMODE int Quick text mode on if nonzero
$REGENMODE int REGENAUTO mode on if nonzero
$SHADEDGE int 0 = faces shaded, edges not highlighted 1 = faces shaded, edges highlighted in black 2 = faces not filled, edges in entity color 3 = faces in entity color, edges in black
$SHADEDIF int Percent ambient/diffuse light, range 1-100, default 70
$SKETCHINC float Sketch record increment 0 = sketch lines, 1 = sketch polylines
$SPLFRAME int Spline control polygon display, 1 = on, 0 = off
$SPLINESEGS int Number of line segments per spline patch
$SPLINETYPE int Spline curve type for PEDIT Spline (See your AutoCAD Reference Manual)
$SURFTAB1 int Number of mesh tabulations in first direction
$SURFTAB2 int Number of mesh tabulations in second direction
$SURFTYPE int Surface type for PEDIT Smooth (See your AutoCAD Reference Manual)
$SURFU int Surface density (for PEDIT Smooth) in M direction
$SURFV int Surface density (for PEDIT Smooth) in N direction
$TDCREATE float Date/time of drawing creation
$TDINDWG float Cumulative editing time for this drawing
$TDUPDATE float Date/time of last drawing update
$TDUSRTIMER float User elapsed timer
$TEXTSIZE float Default text height
$TEXTSTYLE string Current text style name
$THICKNESS float Current thickness set by ELEV command
$TILEMODE int 1 for previous release compatibility mode, 0 otherwise
$TRACEWID float Default Trace width
$UCSNAME string Name of current UCS
$UCSORG 3DPoint Origin of current UCS (in WCS)
$UCSXDIR 3DPoint Direction of current UCS’s X axis (in World coordinates)
$UCSYDIR 3DPoint Direction of current UCS’s Y axis (in World coordinates)
$UNITMODE int Low bit set = display fractions, feet-and-inches, and surveyor’s angles in input format
$USERI1 - 5 int Five integer variables intended for use by third-party developers
$USERR1 - 5 float Five real variables intended for use by third-party developers
$USRTIMER int 0 = timer off, 1 = timer on
$VISRETAIN int 0 = don’t retain Xref-dependent visibility settings, 1 = retain Xref-dependent visibility settings
$WORLDVIEW int 1 = set UCS to WCS during DVIEW/VPOINT, 0 = don’t change UCS