VIEWPORT (Table Entry)¶
A viewport is a windows containing a view to the drawing model. You can change
the default view, which will be displayed on opening the drawing with a CAD
program, by adding a viewport named '*ACTIVE'
. In AutoCAD you can place
multiple viewports in the main editor window (Left, Right, Top), but don’t ask
me how to do this in a DXF file.
Create a viewport:
drawing.add_vport(name, ...)
is a shortcut for:
vport = DXFEngine.vport(name, ...)
(name, **kwargs)¶ Parameters: - name (str) – viewport name
- flags (int) – standard flag values, bit-coded, default=0
- lower_left – lower-left corner of viewport, (xy-tuple), default=(0, 0)
- upper_right – upper-right corner of viewport, (xy-tuple), default=(1, 1)
- center_point – view center point, in WCS, (xy-tuple), default=(.5, .5)
- snap_base – snap base point, (xy-tuple), default=(0, 0)
- snap_spacing – snap spacing, X and Y (xy-tuple), default=(.1, .1)
- grid_spacing – grid spacing, X and Y (xy-tuple), default=(.1, .1)
- direction_point – view direction from target point (xyz-tuple), default=(0, 0, 1)
- target_point – view target point (xyz-tuple), default=(0, 0, 0)
- aspect_ratio – viewport aspect ratio (float), default=1.
- lens_length (float) – lens length, default=50
- front_clipping (float) – front and back clipping planes, offsets from target point , default=0
- back_clipping (float) – see front_clipping
- view_twist (float) – twist angle in degree, default=0
- circle_zoom (float) – circle zoom percent, default=100
- view_mode (int) – view mode, bit-coded, default=0
- fast_zoom (int) – fast zoom setting, default=1
- ucs_icon (int) – UCSICON settings, default=3
- snap_on (int) – snap on/off, default=0
- grid_on (int) – grid on/off, default=0
- snap_style (int) – snap style, default=0
- snap_isopair (int) – snap isopair, default=0
View Mode Flags¶
Flags | Description |
VMODE_TURNED_OFF | viewport is turned off if bit is set |
VMODE_PERSPECTIVE_VIEW_ACTIVE | viewport is in perspective mode if bit is set |
VMODE_FRONT_CLIPPING_ON | front clipping is on if bit is set |
VMODE_BACK_CLIPPING_ON | back clipping is on if bit is set |