
Type: Composite Entity

Ellipse curves are approximated by a POLYLINE.

For an explanation of ellipse curves see Wikipedia:


DXFEngine.ellipse(center, rx, ry, startangle=0., endangle=360., rotation=0., segments=100, **kwargs)
  • center – center point (xy- or xyz-tuple), z-axis is 0 by default
  • rx (float) – radius in x-axis
  • ry (float) – radius in y-axis
  • startangle (float) – in degree
  • endangle (float) – in degree
  • rotation (float) – angle between x-axis and ellipse-main-axis in degree
  • segments (int) – count of line segments for polyline approximation
  • linetype (str) – linetype name, if not defined = BYLAYER
  • layer (str) – layer name
  • color (int) – range [1..255], 0 = BYBLOCK, 256 = BYLAYER


import dxfwrite
from dxfwrite import DXFEngine as dxf

name = 'ellipse.dxf'
dwg = dxf.drawing(name)

for axis in [0.5, 0.75, 1., 1.5,  2., 3.]:
    dwg.add(dxf.ellipse((0,0), 5., axis, segments=200))

dwg.add(dxf.line((-7, 0), (+7, 0), color=1, linetype='DASHDOT'))
dwg.add(dxf.line((0, -5), (0, +5), color=2, linetype='DASHDOT'))

for rotation in [0, 30, 45, 60, 90]:
    dwg.add(dxf.ellipse((20,0), 5., 2., rotation=rotation, segments=100))

for startangle in [0, 30, 45, 60, 90]:
    dwg.add(dxf.ellipse((40,0), 5., 2., startangle=startangle, endangle=startangle+90,
                        rotation=startangle, segments=90))
    dwg.add(dxf.ellipse((40,0), 5., 2., startangle=startangle+180, endangle=startangle+270,
                        rotation=startangle, segments=90))

../_images/ellipse1.png ../_images/ellipse2.png ../_images/ellipse3.png