Blocks Management

A block is a collection of objects grouped together to form a single object. All supported dxf entities can also be added to block like to a drawing.


from dxfwrite import DXFEngine
dwg = DXFEngine.drawing('newdrawing.dxf')

How to create a new block?

Just the blockname is required:

block = DXFEngine.block(name='rect')

How to add shapes to the block?

every supported shape can be added:

block.add(DXFEngine.rect((0, 0), width=3, height=3))

How use the block?

To use the block, insert the block by the INSERT entity:

dwg.add(DXFEngine.insert('rect', insert=(10,10)))

What is the basepoint?

The basepoint are the block coordinates, where the block will be placed by the insertion point of the INSERT entity.

How to use attributes?

Attributes are fill-in-the-blank text fields that you can add to your blocks. When you insert a block several times in a drawing, all the ordinary geometry (lines, circles, regular text strings, and so on) in all the instances are exactly identical. Attributes provide a little more flexibility in the form of text strings that can be different in each block insert.

# 1. create the ATTDEF
name = DXFEngine.attdef(tag='NAME', insert=(2, 2))
# 2. add the ATTDEF with the block


# 3. create a block-reference
blockref = DXFEngine.insert('rect', insert=(10,10))
# 4. create an ATTRIB, text is the ATTRIB content to display
nameattrib = name.new_attrib(text='Rect')
# 5. add ATTRIB to the block-reference
# 6. add block-reference to dxf-drawing


Simplified usage of attribs:

# 3. create a block-reference by insert2
# attribs = { key: value, ... }, key=ATTDEF-tag, value=ATTRIB-text
# but you have to use the block defintion
blockref = DXFEngine.insert2(block, insert=(10,10), attribs={'NAME': 'Rect'})
# 4. add block-reference to dxf-drawing